Coronavirus Lockdown Day Eleven – What is there, what do we know, and how should we live?

I am happy to report that Man March is much improved today. His mistreatment by those savages has left mental scars no doubt but his physical wounds were in fact minor. In fact, other than a fractured septum and some facial scratches he is generally fine and has even managed to exhibit what I can only take to be a smile.
I must now attend to his broader education and, having begun to address his linguistic skills via a crash course in English as a foreign language, have also decided to educate him more widely with a view to developing his skills in critical thinking, analysis, clear writing, and some sustained but vital reflection on important philosophical problems, both contemporary and perennial, concerned with ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, language, logic, the natural and core social sciences, politics, aesthetics, and religion to name but a very few.

To start with, I have set him a philosophical problem which few, if indeed any, European thinkers have been able to solve:

What is there, what do we know, and how should we live?

He pondered on this problem for many hours, and if truth be told I became quite depressed at the prospect of sharing this island paradise with such a dull companion. But, just as the sun began to sink below the distant horizon, he turned to face me.

Smiling broadly, he confidently announced that, in his considered opinion the answer must be 57.

Duncan Harley is a writer and blogger living in the Garioch. His books are available from Amazon. Just search for Duncan Harley in the Amazon search box. Signed copies are available @ Inverurie Whisky Shop.


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